Interview with Takako Sensei

In order to better understand Takako sensei’s view on teaching children, Satsuki did a phone interview with her. Below is the transcript in Japanese and English.

Q: 沢山のジャンルの音楽に囲まれて育っている子供達に琴の魅力、邦楽の魅力を伝え、更にそれを大切に続けさせる上で重要なポイントは何ですか?
When it comes to children who have grown up exposed to various musical genres, what are the key points in order to show them the beauty of Koto and Hougaku Music, as well as making sure they continue with koto?

A: まず箏に魅力を感じること。今回のシドニーに来て演奏した5人の子供達はおばあちゃんがやっているとか親がやっているとかで連れてこられた子供達。その子供たちが続けた理由は、きょうこちゃんはピアノとか他のこともやっていたけれど最初から箏が大好きで箏にのめり込んでいき、他の子供達はコンクールに出ることによってもう少しやりたいという向上心が芽生えていったから。大切なポイントは子供に何か課題を与える、例えばそれがお免状を取得することだったり、コンクールに出場することだったりして、またそれらをクリアーさせるということが大切
The first step is getting them to feel the beauty of koto. The 5 children who came for this Sydney concert either have a grandmother or parent who plays the koto. The reason why these children have continued with koto;
Kyouko-chan who also plays the piano and has other hobbies, has always loved the koto from the very start. As for the other children, by getting them to compete in various koto competitions, they’ve started developing the desire to improve their koto playing.
The important thing is to give the children some kind of goal. For example, getting their koto license, or having them participate in competitions. Also, making sure they actually achieve it is important.

Q: 邦楽は時代の流れ/流行りに左右されず、コンスタントに子供達に興味/感心を与えているのでしょうか?
With Hougaku being uninfluenced by the changing times, are the children constantly being kept interested in koto?

A: やり方によって感心を与えているというよりも小さい時は有無も言わさずさせる、そしてやっているうちに子供達が魅力を感じていく。
It depends on how it’s done, but rather than thinking of how to keep them interested, when they’re very young it’s better to just make them do it, and eventually as they’re doing it, they will start to feel the beauty of it.
Don’t think that just because they’re children that they have to do easy pieces. Instead, challenge them with hard pieces. It will be tough till they are able to play it, but once they’re able to they’ll feel such joy that it will keep them interested.

Q: 高校、大学で邦楽、特に箏をメイジャーにしている若者達は皆プロの演奏家になる事を目指している人もいると思いますが、全員が成功するとは限らないと言う厳しい状況の中で、若者達を導いて行くという重大な責任のある仕事をずっと続けているその理由/魅力は⁇
Although the youth in high school or universities that are majoring in Hougaku or koto all aim to be professionals, the reality is that not all succeed. Despite knowing this, what is the reason for your continual role in assuming the important responsibility of guiding these youth?

A: 箏というのは日本の伝統音楽の中で素晴らしい音楽だと思う、箏の音というのは日本人の琴線に触れる音色だと思う 箏の魅力を後世に伝えていきたいというのが最大の理由。そのために若者に力をいれて教えている でも大人も上手くならないと若者の演奏の質も上がらないので、大人も含めて上手くしていくことは大事。
I think that among the other Traditional Japanese instruments, the koto’s sound is truly wonderful. The tone of the koto is able to move the heart of Japanese people. My reason for doing this is to ensure that the beauty of the koto is passed on to the future. To achieve that I’ve been focusing on teaching youths. But if adults don’t improve, the performance standard of the youths won’t go up as well, so it is important to include adults and make them improve.

Q: 今回シドニーで演奏した先生の感想、子供達の感想… 例えば、お客様の反応、会場の雰囲気&様子、コンサートの進行状況はどうだったか?
What did you and the children think of the concert in Sydney? How was it in terms of the audience’s reaction, the venue’s atmosphere, and the progress of the concert?

A: 今回のコンサートはお客さんを目の前にして演奏したので、海外のお客さんの反応はシビア 反応が正直だということをとても感じた。Facebookを通して音色が綺麗だとか優しいとかコメントもらってけど、このような反応はどこの海外でも違わないのかと思いました。


The audience for this concert was very up close and this created a intimate atmosphere. I could feel that their reactions were very intense and honest. Through Facebook, we received comments about the beautiful tones of the koto and various kind comments. I believe that these reactions will be universal no matter the country.

This was the children’s first overseas concert so they were not able to compare it with any previous experiences, but they said that they had a lot of fun and it was a good experience for them.

Finally at the end of the concert, I was able to give Satsuki a hug and that made me very happy, and this was all a new experience for me. Having pizza at the venue after the concert was finished was also very fun.

Q: 孝子先生はどのようにして忠夫先生の音楽と出会い、どのように感じ、そして、どうして忠夫先生から学ぶことになったのか。
How did you come across Tadao Sawai sensei’s music, and how did it make you feel? Also, why did you decide to learn from him?

A: 和歌山の高校、大学時代と邦楽部でした、それ以外に個人的に菊まさ先生に習っていた、その菊まさ先生はまた私の所属した高校と大学の邦楽の講師でもありました。私は昭和42年に大学卒業ですがその頃から現代箏曲がだんだん盛んになってきた。その頃沢井忠夫先生は新進の若手の演奏家であり作曲家でその忠夫先生の音楽が大好きでした。卒業後、山本先生と結婚して佐世保に住み始めた、音楽は大学時代の専攻ではなく、数学が専門、実は数学の方に進みたかったけれども佐世保に来てしまったのでできなくなりました。それでお箏の方に進もうと決めたので誰か先生について箏を習おうと探し始めた。


When I was in high school and university in the Wakayama prefecture, I was in the Hougaku club. I was also learning privately from Kiku Masa sensei who was teaching at the Hougaku clubs I was in. In 1967, I graduated from my university and about that time Contemporary koto music was gaining popularity. At that time Tadao sensei was a rising young koto performer and composer, and I loved his music. After graduating, I got married to Yamamoto sensei and moved to Sasebo. My major when I was attending university was not actually music, but Mathematics. I planned to further my career in Mathemics but was unable to do so once I moved to Sasebo. So I decided to further my koto instead, and started looking for a teacher. When I was attending one of Tadao sensei’s concert in Nagasaki, I happened to overhear that he is giving lessons in Fukuoka. After the concert, while I went to the bathroom, Yamomoto sensei went to Tadao sensei’s dress room and asked him to give me lessons. At that time (1974), as Tadao sensei was on the rise to prominence, there was a flood of people who wanted to learn from him and it seems that not just anyone can have lessons with him.
In my first lesson, we did Sarashifuu Tegoto. After that I was told that I could continue on, and we started with Hana Ikada, where we completely focused on playing techniques and the basics. That has become very useful for when I teach children and adults. I’ve learnt from Tadao sensei for 24 years, from when he was 35 years old (1974) till the year he passed away at age 59(1997).

His first lessons started in a room in a temple, to someone’s house, and eventually to a room in Fukuoka’s Daimyo district apartment.

Q: さつき先生がたか子先生の所に通っていた時、どんな生徒でしたか?特に箏に向き合う姿勢これ絶対聞きたいです。
What kind of student was Satsuki when she was learning from you? Especially in terms of her attitude towards the koto. This is something I really want to ask!

A: 今と変わらない一緒! 箏に一生懸命、すごい熱心な生徒でした。。手は全然焼かなかった。
She is still the same even now! She gave the koto her utmost effort, and was a very passionate student. She didn’t give me any trouble at all.

Q: 喜代治先生とは大学へ講義に行っていて出会ったのですか? 喜代治先生はもうその頃から大学講師&尺八奏者としてもご活躍でしたか?
Did you meet Kiyoji Yamamoto sensei while attending lectures in your university? At that time was he already working as a university teacher and shakuhachi performer?

A: この質問から感じるに私と山本先生が随分歳が離れていると思っているかもしれませんが、歳は2歳違いで同じ大学で同じ邦楽部で、出会った頃は同じ大学生、大学1年と3年生でした。
That question gives the impression that Yamamoto sensei and I have a big age gap, but we are only 2 years apart in terms of age. We were both in the same university and the same Hougaku club. When we first met, I was in my first year and he was in his third.

What is the secret to a harmonious marriage?

A: お互いに尺八、箏を一緒にやっているって事 同じ趣味、目標を持っている、そして同じ価値観を持っているから。
Performing together on the koto and shakuhachi, having the same hobbies, having goals, and having the same values.
